
The Security Challenges of VPNs

The Security Challenges of VPNs

Over half of all organizations have experienced a VPN-related cyberattack in the past year. With the massively disruptive Ivanti zero-day earlier this year, a significant Palo Alto VPN vulnerability, and recent issues with
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Cybersecurity for SLED

Cybersecurity for SLED

Cybercriminals are increasingly eager to target SLED (State, Local, and Education) organizations, becoming more sophisticated and capable daily. State and Local governments and agencies provide critical public services and
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What is SOC Compliance?

What is SOC Compliance?

Quantifying and ensuring security and resilience is increasingly essential for many organizations’ operations. That includes the need for their suppliers, vendors, and partners to demonstrate a certain level of secure practices.
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AI Hacker Exploits Known Vulnerabilities

AI Hacker Exploits Known Vulnerabilities

Are we on the brink of a cybersecurity dystopia, where threat actors can launch AI programs to attack and compromise their targets automatically? If you’re in cybersecurity, you’ve likely seen recent reporting about a study
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Security Misconfigurations

Security Misconfigurations

Managing cybersecurity can feel like navigating a minefield. Threats and attacks are just a misstep away. When you think your defenses are up to par, a new threat exploits an overlooked vulnerability. Unknown vulnerabilities
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Four More Common Types of Cyberattack

Four More Common Types of Cyberattack

Could your next click be the one that unleashes chaos into your digital life? In the shadowy corners of the internet, cyber threats like Man in the Middle (MitM) attacks, XSS exploits, Zero-day vulnerabilities, and DNS spoofing
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