Four Most Common Cyberattacks

The threat landscape is evolving rapidly, presenting new challenges that demand constant vigilance. Cyberattacks  and threats are ubiquitous in our online existence. Adversaries employ increasingly sophisticated methods to exploit vulnerabilities. From the deceptive lures of phishing schemes to the crippling impact of ransomware, the arsenal of cyber threats is formidable. 

We can better protect ourselves against cybercriminals. The first step is understanding how common cyberattacks happen and how to prevent them.

Let’s delve into four of the most common types of cyberattacks that continue to dominate the digital battleground. Each attack targets different facets of our digital defenses, aiming to steal, disrupt, or compromise valuable data or systems. Join us as we explore the intricacies of these cyber threats and arm you with the knowledge to stand firm in the face of digital adversity.

1. Social Engineering and Phishing Attacks

Phishing has long been the primary vector through which threat actors initiate a cyberattack. Adversaries have long specialized in crafting emails that mimic legitimate sources.  An alert from a bank, a note from a family member or colleague, or similar are all common types of phishing attacks. By leveraging the trust in legitimate senders and creating a sense of fear or urgency, phishing attacks have been an effective tool for breaching the first line of defense.  

Over the last year, there’s been a significant spike in more sophisticated social engineering attacks. Phone calls and text messages have become increasingly common channels for impersonation attacks.  They make use of lower awareness and the lack of security tools that now exist to protect email inboxes.  

Awareness, skepticism, and caution remain more vital defenses than ever in the face of ongoing threat actor innovation and experimentation. Recognizing suspicious messages through phone, email, or text is crucial. Be sure that you and your users are aware of the risks of social engineering and how to guard against them

2. Ransomware Cyberattacks

Ransomware represents one of the most direct and damaging types of cyberattacks, where malware encrypts the victim’s files, rendering them inaccessible. Losing critical data can have far reaching effects, causing disruptions and consequences to business and has proved valuable leverage for extortion by threat actors.  

Ransomware attacks target individuals and organizations, with attacks on large organizations and critical infrastructure providers being incredibly high profile.

Along with encryption-based ransomware attacks, we’ve increasingly seen “double” or ‘triple” extortion attacks, where threat actors also exfiltrate a copy of a target’s data and threaten to leak the information if not paid.  

Protecting against ransomware attacks requires a mature security posture. Attackers are often highly skilled and sophisticated and need long dwell time and stealth on a target environment to successfully target suitable systems and backups. Vigilance and preparedness are essential as the ransomware threat continues to evolve with increasing sophistication.

3. Denial of Service: 

Denial of Service (DoS) attacks are brute-force assaults aimed at overwhelming a network’s resources, making it impossible for legitimate users to use them. DoS cyberattacks are also sometimes used in profit-motivated extortion attacks but are a more common tool in the arsenal of hacktivists or state-sponsored adversaries.  

Denial of Service attacks target specific vulnerabilities in a target’s environment to disable or disrupt critical systems or use brute force traffic scale to overload the target. Threat actors often use large botnets of compromised machines to create this traffic in Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks. These disruptions not only cause immediate operational issues but can also have long-lasting reputational impacts.

Defending against DoS attacks requires robust network security measures, including specialized DDoS protection solutions, traffic filtering, rate limiting, and implementing redundant network paths to ensure availability. Staying vigilant and ready to respond to these attacks is essential for maintaining service continuity and safeguarding digital assets.

4. SQL injection Cyberattacks

SQL Injection attacks target the backbone of a website that uses SQL-based databases. By manipulating standard SQL queries, attackers can gain access unauthorized access to information or systems or cause specific actions to be taken in the database or environment. 

Passwords, customer or employee data, trade secrets, financial information, and more are common targets of SQL injection attacks.  

Defending against SQL injection attacks requires properly structuring information in the database, rigorous input validation, use of prepared statements with parameterized queries, and regular security audits of database operations. Educating developers on secure coding practices and implementing comprehensive testing for web applications is essential to safeguard against these pervasive attacks.


Understanding and combating the most prevalent cyber threats cannot be overstated. Cybersecurity is multifaceted, and threat actors are constantly innovating and evolving.  

Knowledge and preparedness are our best defense. The strategies to counteract these threats are as diverse as the threats themselves, demanding a nuanced approach to cybersecurity. Its proactive stance on cyber defense is imperative. With decades of experience navigating the threat landscape, ADS offers unparalleled expertise to bolster your cybersecurity posture. 

Whether you’re grappling with the nuances of defending against sophisticated phishing schemes, mitigating ransomware damage, or securing your networks against DDoS attacks, speak with an advisor at Atlantic Data Security today. Together, we can tailor a cybersecurity strategy that addresses your current challenges and anticipates future threats. Let’s empower you to stand firm in the face of digital adversity, with ADS as your trusted ally in cybersecurity.