Category: Blog

What is the CVSS

Managing software vulnerabilities is a critical challenge for security teams. However, it can be difficult to communicate the complex details between organizations and departments, vendors, clients, and key non-technical stakeholders.  That’s why

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Top 5 Cybersecurity Trends of 2024

Understanding the latest trends and threats is crucial to staying ahead in the fast paced world of cybersecurity. At Atlantic Data Security (ADS), our experts are on the front lines, navigating the

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What is the NIST Cybersecurity Framework?

Introduction: How can security leaders communicate with other company members who don’t share their technical experience? How can a CEO understand how exposed their company might be to cyber risk? First published

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The Security Challenges of VPNs

Over half of all organizations have experienced a VPN-related cyberattack in the past year. With the massively disruptive Ivanti zero-day earlier this year, a significant Palo Alto VPN vulnerability, and recent issues with Check Point’s

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Cybersecurity for SLED

Cybercriminals are increasingly eager to target SLED (State, Local, and Education) organizations, becoming more sophisticated and capable daily. State and Local governments and agencies provide critical public services and manage vast amounts

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What is a Man in the Middle Attack?

Cybersecurity threats are becoming increasingly sophisticated and prevalent. One of the most common cyber threats/  is the Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) attack. Adversaries have leveraged Man-in-the-Middle techniques to cause data breaches, gain unauthorized access

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What is SOC Compliance?

Quantifying and ensuring security and resilience is increasingly essential for many organizations’ operations. That includes the need for their suppliers, vendors, and partners to demonstrate a certain level of secure practices. While government regulations like GDPR

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